The Liebster Award

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by Sillystyle! Basically, this award is a peer-to-peer award and you nominate people to win it. After you’re nominated/won the award, you’re supposed to nominate 11 other blogs/bloggers with less than 200 followers, write 11 facts about yourself, and create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. I think it’s basically a here-are-the-blogs-I-like, mixed in with a get-to-know-more-about-me kind of ‘award’. I’m using the term award here very loosely.

1. Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog on the 17th of May 2013, for reasons I can’t really explain. I’ve always been an ‘avid’ reader of blogs, and I guess I always wanted to create a blog. Thus when my exams finally ended, I decided why not, let’s create a blog. Except I’m not really sure what type of blog I wanted it to be, I just knew I wanted to make a blog. So I guess I made this blog because I wanted to ramble on about things, get to meet new people and treat it as a diary for my daily musings. K I realised I’m rambling now, so I’m going to move on to the next question.

2. Where do you find inspiration?

I find my inspiration from everywhere around me, all the tiny litten corners where no one assumes inspiration exists. Inspiration hits me from anywhere/anytime, although I’ll have to say my main inspirations are things I see in real life, my friends and blogs. Oh and tumblr, definitely tumblr. I don’t really have a specific place I go to when I lack inspiration e.g. Pinterest or anything, I just sorta look out for things in life that attract my attention.

3. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Smoking. I don’t even know if smoking is pet peeve, but smoking really gets to me. I mean it’s your decision if you want to smoke, I don’t have a say in what you’re doing, but it’s an entirely different matter when I can smell it. It’s the worst when I want to sit outdoors in a restaurant, but all the outdoor areas are saved for smokers. Why do they get the fresh air again? And I hate it when I’m stuck in an elevator with smokers and it stinks so terribly. Goddamnit smokers.

4. How would you best describe your style?

I’m going to go ahead and assume style here means fashion style. Hahaha my fashion style is very… basic. Literally half my wardrobe is plain tees. The last time I checked, I own about 10 plain white tees/tanks. I also dress for comfort; if the outfit isn’t comfortable, forget about it, the odds of me wearing it aren’t very high. I dress with basics, but sometimes I’ll throw in a few fun prints here and there, and I make sure to always walk out the door with accessories  because I truly believe they make/break an outfit. Even if it’s a simple ring, it still adds that nice touch to a basic white tee/jean shorts combo.

5. 3 places you would like to visit

THIS ONE IS HARD. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ONLY CHOOSE THERE PLACES I WANT TO VISIT. That’s like making me choose 3 foods I like the best. IT’S JUST NOT POSSIBLE. Okay well if I had to, it’d be Greece. I’ve seen enough photos of the beautiful white buildings and the rustic charm and the peaceful blue ocean to know that I want to spend time there. Need I even mention all the ancient vintage buildings? The second place would then be India. IMAGINE THE FOOD. ALL THE DELICOUS FATTENING FOOD that I want to eat for the rest of my life. I think I’d need to starve myself for a week before I go there. Jokes. But the culture in India is also incredibly fascinating, and I desperately want to go crash an Indian wedding and dance like they do in the Bollywood movies. AND my bestfriend is Indian so I get to visit her too! The last place I’d like to visit is New Zealand! I’d go bungee jumping and cross that one of my bucket list (although I’ll probably die from a heart attack because heights scare the shit out of me). And i’ll go make friends with all the sheep while visiting the idyllic scenery. Picture perfect moments? Done.

6. How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

I’m a very very very very loud and happy girl who loves food a little too much #sorrynotsorry

7. What are your favorite dishes / food?

REALLY? REALLY? THIS CANT BE A QUESTION. THATS JUST NOT FAIR. I refuse to answer this question, or more like I can’t answer this question because I’ll literally be listing everything and it’d actually go on forever. Okay I’ll choose cuisines instead, because that’s a little easier and I think I can do that. I love the Singaporean cuisine, because that’s where home is. Just the smell of Singaporean food is enough to evoke my childhood memories and mmmmhm they all taste delicous, especially the hawker center food. I also greatly adore the indian/japanese/italian/cantonese cuisine but I give up. I’m sorry, this is too hard.

8. What kind of music are you listening to lately?

There’s something you guys should know about me. I don’t listen to music. I know, shocker right? I don’t know, I do listen to music but not really. I literally never download music, and I don’t know how to explain this without making myself sound like an alien. Maybe some other time.

9. Which qualities do you believe every human being should possess?

Oooo I like this question! I believe every human should have a kind and warming quality, always ready to help others in need. I’m a naive person in a sense that I wish nothing bad should ever happen in the world, even though I know that at least for now, that’s basically remotely impossible. I also believe every human should possess the ability to make others happy, and the ability to love.

10. Which has been the best advice you have ever received and which one do you like giving out the most?

Man the questions get deeper don’t they? I think the best advice I’ve ever received is… I don’t particularily remember. I’m more of an advice giver than an advice taker? But I guess one of the best advice I’ve ever gotten is to be honest with myself. There’s no point lying to myself in what I want, or who I want to be, because at the end of the day, it’s my life. The advice I love giving out the most is HAKUNA MATATA. Seriously, best advice ever. Don’t worry about anything, because it’s not the end until it’s okay. Worrying doesn’t make anything better. Just trust yourself, trust life. I promise it’ll all end perfectly okay.

11. If you were ever interviewed by a professional reporter, which question would you like to be asked? (it can be on any topic)

Why society barely teaches boys to not wolf whistle/cat call/rape girls, yet parents in society continuously tell girls to be careful/never go out alone/never leave your drink alone…… The double standards are weird, aren’t they? And how come it’s more socially acceptable for girls to come out about having been raped, and not guys?

I’ll post the 11 random facts about me tomorrow because I’m tired, and I still have to decide who to nominate (:

Goodnight everyone!

Jin x

Question of the day: What is your favourite cuisine (notice I didn’t say food)?