Here’s my second favourite TV show of all time – Castle. Basically, it’s about this writer/author Richard Castle

who writes these murder fiction stories. Then one day, some murderer out there decides to kill in the exact way Richard Castle wrote in his book, so the NYC Police Department starts talking to him to see if he can help solve the mystery since you know, he did write the book. Except the woman who comes interview him is Detective Kate Beckett. Basically, he likes her so much he unofficially joins the task force.

There are so many reasons why I adore this TV show. Each episode is a new case, with some underlying themes that run through all episodes. This means there’s barely the whole this-show-is-going-on-a-break-hah-here’s-a-major-cliff-hanger-for-you kinda thing, which I actually enjoy more. It also means sometimes if you want, you could skip episodes (although why you would do that I can’t even fathom) and still understand what’s going on-ish It’s also ridiculously funny. It’s the perfect eclectic mix of comedy-action-romance-drama all rolled into one tv show. Some bits are so hilarious my abs start to hurt… True story.

Say hi to Richard Castle!

Please let me know if you can wiggle your eyebrows like this

Detective Kate Beckett (I don’t want to ruin anything so I’m going to leave her name as Detective). BUT OMG THE CLIFFHANGER AT THE END OF THIS SEASON. Uuuuh I can’t wait 4 months to know

Okay now apart from Castle and Beckett, they also have two other detectives on their team – Detective Ryan and Detective Esposito (I had to google his name to see how it was spelt). Ryan’s the one talking.

Together, they make the perfect team at crime solving. Beckett is all logic and facts, enterwine that with Castle’s crazy stories and theories and BOOM they solve the crime. Helps that Esposito also has that ballsy-ness to him, and Ryan idk… they all just work so well as a team together it’s amazing to watch. It’s as if they can read each other’s minds, but I guess that’s what you need in a partner right? This show is just too perfect for words. I love it.

I’m off to go do more revision and live the boring IB life until TOMORROW IN WHICH I’M DONE WITH IB FOREVER

Jin x

Question of the Day: Have you watched Castle before? What do you think of it!